Clinic Talizi – 20 years Anniversary!
On dates September 22nd and 23rd Clinic Talizi has celebrated 20 years anniversary since opening of first hair transplantation clinic in Caucasian region. Clinic has hosted Jubilee celebration conference followed by live surgery workshop with more than 100 hundred guests, most of which has been trainees of the clinic, friends and partners coming from different partsof the world.
Conference faculties has been presented by the leaders of the field of Hair Research Society. Clinic Talizi Director – Dr. Akaki Tsilosani has presented very interesting speech regarding “20 years long way” with full history since opening of the clinic and important changes implemented during this period. Head of Training Department of clinic Talizi Mrs. Salome Vadachkoriahas presented about achievements of hair transplant institute Talizi and shared with audience achievements of our graduates, who has already become experts in the field. Professor Julia Ovcharenko – President of Ukrainian Society of Trichologists has presented modern research and treatment techniques in androgenic alopecia patients, Dr. Tatiana Siluk – President of Hair Research Society of Russia, talked about hair transplantation results in not AGA patients, Professor Nino Lortkipanidze – President of Georgian Society of Trichology presented regarding hair transplantation as further method of treating of hair loss. We were also happy to host our keynote speaker Dr. Ramiro Yane. He past trainee of our clinic who has already become expert in the field of Hair Restoration and he has presented regarding the benefits of use of micro cannula’s inextraction of body hair, followed with live surgery demonstration workshop of this modern technique.
We were proud to have our trainees coming to our clinic to teach for our celebration workshop. Dr. DjamilaPulatova has presented live scalp micro pigmentation case during the workshop, this new method has received big interest from all workshop attendees.
Clinic Talizi has received number of very creative gifts from all friends and partners coming from different parts of the world. Most extraordinary gift was real star in the sky named with Talizi clinic name, presented by Professor Julia Ovcharenko and her team from institute of Trichology of Kharkov.
Conference and workshop was followed by Gala Dinner and awards ceremony, with Georgian national dances and folklore performance, which has become unforgettable experience for all our guests.