Hair loss in women
Hair loss in women can be related to genetics, hormones and age. Androgenetic alopecia still stays to be main hair loss reason in female patients as for male patients, But in most of the cases hair loss in female patients can be combination of several disorders. As a result patients may face different patterned thinning hair loss condition- also known as female pattern hair loss, which needs proper diagnosis and treatment at the earliest stage.

Trichoscopy represents to be gold standard for diagnosing hair loss disorders, while treatment options depend on type of the hair loss and indication according to age and hair loss stage. women can be related to genetics, hormones and age. Androgenetic alopecia still stays to be main hair loss reason in female patients as for male patients, But in most of the cases hair loss in female patients can be combination of several disorders. As a result patients may face different patterned thinning hair loss condition- also known as female pattern hair loss, which needs proper diagnosis and treatment at the earliest stage. Trichoscopy represents to be gold standard for diagnosing hair loss disorders, while treatment options depend on type of the hair loss and indication according to age and hair loss stage.